Výsledky vyhledávání - "půdní horizonty"
Transformace dusíku v půdě přirozeného horského smrkového lesa na Trojmezné hoře (Šumava) = Nitrogen transformation in Norway spruce forest soil in Trojmezná hora (Bohemian Forest)...
The net nitrogen-mineralization and basal net nitrification rates were determined in Of1, Of2 and Oh soil horizons of autochthonous mountain Picea abies stand in Trojmezná hora preserve (National Pak …
Články -
Specifi cation of the beechwood soil environment based on chosen soil properties, aiming at the Fageta paupera habitat
This paper deals with a specific type of homogeneous beechwood called Fageta paupera. The aim is to acquire information about the heterogeneity of soil environment. As a material we used 20 research …
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Carbon, nitrogen, C/N ratio and their stand heterogeneity in the soil of Norway spruce stands = Uhlík, dusík, C/N a jejich stanovištní heterogenita v rozdílně obhospodařovaných smr...
Cílem této práce bylo stanovení vlivu probírky mladých smrkových porostů na koncentraci Cox, Nt, poměr C/N a jejich relativní plošnou heterogenitu. Experimentální studie probíhaly ve …
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Impact of Scots pine admixture in European beech stand on dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen leaching from organic and humic horizons of Dystric Arenosols in Northern Poland
The effect of Scots pine admixture in European beech stand on the leaching of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) and ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N) …
Články -
Evaluation of ground penetrating radar and vertical electrical sounding methods to determine soil horizons and bedrock at the locality Dehtáře
Recently, geophysical methods have been widely used in many fields including pedology. Two of them, ground penetrating radar (GPR) and vertical electrical sounding (VES) were employed at the Dehtáře …
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Kvantitativní FTIR spektrometrie huminových látek = Quantitative FTIR Spectrometry of Humic Substances
The modern FTIR spectrometry enables both qualitative and quantitative analysis of humic (HS) and humic-like substances. Priority of this method in comparison with 13C NMR or titration analysis of …
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Effect of waste Al-phosphate on soil and plant
Irreplaceability of phosphorus as a necessary macroelement in crop production is due to limited resources and costly processing of ores and immobilization in soil, which force for seeking an …
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The long-term changes in soil organic matter contents and quality in Chernozems
For the purposes of assessment of long-term changes, two sets of Chernozems soil samples were analysed and compared in parallel: ‘old’ file samples obtained during the Soil Survey 1960-1970 in the …
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Catenas of Grain Size and Chemical Forest Soil Properties in Outer Western Carpathians of the Czech Republic Characterized by Principal Component Analysis
More frequent occurence of hillwashes in altitudinal-differentiated landscapes causes changes of relationships among terrain, bedrock and soils. The aim of the study was to characterize catenas of the …
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