Výsledky vyhledávání - "korelace"

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    Studies on the relationship between the body weight, trunk length and pelt size in arctic foxes

    The aim of the present research was to determine the relationship between the live body weight, trunk length and pelt size in arctic foxes. The studies were conducted on 257 arctic foxes. Measurements …

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    Odhad genetických parametrů pro znaky lineárního popisu a hodnocení zevnějšku českého strakatého skotu

    U 16 148 prvotelek českého strakatého skotu byly analyzovány vztahy mezi utvářením exteriéru a užitkovými vlastnostmi. Současně byly odhadnuty genetické parametry pro znaky zevnějšku a …

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    Estimation of genetic parameters for litter traits in Czech pig populations using a multitrait animal model

    Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed for litter size born (NB), born alive (NBA) and at 21 days (NW) for the breeds Large White, Landrace and Přeštické Black Spotted. Variance and …

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    Radioelement Distribution and Heat Production of Two-Mica Monzogranites from the Moldanubian Batholith of the Bohemian Massif (Czech Republic)

    The two-mica granites of the Eisgarn type of the Moldanubian batholith are peraluminous granites generated by partial melting of metapelites under the conditions of the lower to middle crust. The U …

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    Middle Devonian crinoid columnals from Čelechovice in Moravia (Czech Republic)

    Samples from the Lower Givetian beds 136-138 in Státní lom quarry near Čelechovice probided a rich association of crinoid columnals. The most significant determinable taxa are Cupressocrinites sp. …
