Výsledky vyhledávání - "HAEMOGLOBIN"

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    Haematological profile of broiler chickens under acute stress due to shackling = Vliv stresu v důsledku zavěšení na hematologický profil brojlerových kuřat

    The aim of our experiment was to assess the stress response of broilers to different periods of shackling when conditions similar to practice at slaughterhouses were simulated. In this study, …

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    Changes of vital parameters after administration of butorphanol during tiletamine-zolazepam-ketamine-xylazine anaesthesia for joint surgery in miniature pigs = Změny vitálních para...

    Studie je zaměřena na srovnání účinků butorfanolu u prasat podstupujících operaci kloubů v anestezii kombinací tiletamin-zolazepam-xylazin-ketamin (TKX). Celkem 12 prasat bylo rozděleno do …

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    Effect of peroral copper supplementation on selected haematological indicators of horses

    The trial was performed at the Boudky - Velké Němčice farm. The total number of 23 mares was divided into three groups that were subjected to different mineral feeding modes. The experiment …

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    Hmotnostní spektrometrie v toxikologii a forenzní analýze = Mass Spectrometry in Toxicology and Forensic Analysis

    This review summarizes recent mass spectrometry approaches and the literature dedicated to their use in forensics, homeland security and toxicology. Various analytical combinations are evaluated and …

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    Efficiency of carbonyl iron in prevention of anaemia in piglets = Prevence nedostatku železa u sajících selat pomocí karbonylového železa

    The aim of this study was to evaluate efficiency of elemental iron preparation in the form of carbonyl iron in prevention of iron deficiency in piglets. The piglets in group I (n = 14) were given 210 …

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    Evaluation of frequency and intensity of asymptomatic anisocytosis in the Japanese dog breeds Shiba, Akita, and Hokkaido

    Microcytosis is observed in healthy Japanese breed dogs. The aim of the study was to evaluate the frequency and intensity of asymptomatic anisocytosis using a three-grade scale in Japanese dog breeds …

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    Effects of long term feeding dairy cows on a diet supplemented with clinoptilolite on certain haematological parameters

    The effect of the dietary inclusion of clinoptilolite on the haematological parameters of dairy cows has not been studied yet; however in mice, prolonged zeolite administration causes disturbances in …

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    Effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on the blood profile in the green iguana (Iguana iguana)

    A total of 20 healthy green iguanas (14 males and six females with body weight ranging from 280 to 720 g) were divided into three groups and used for the experiment. Carprofen (2.0 mg/kg, i.m.) was …

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    The effects of butylated hydroxyanisole, ascorbic acid, and α-tocopherol on some quality characteristics of mechanically deboned chicken patty during freeze storage

    In this study, the effects were evaluated of butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), ascorbic acid (AA) and α-tocopherol (TO) on the stability of raw mechanically deboned chicken patties stored at -20°C for …

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    Haematology of gynogenetic diploids of Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii Brandt

    Haematological analyses were conducted in gynogenetic diploids and control diploids of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii). Gynogenetic diploid fish were obtained from Polish aquaculture after …

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